Bhoribhadak School near Urli Kanchan after painting and construction
Toilet construction for girls innuaguration
Medical kit to Hospitals during COVID
Meal support to Migrant Labours returning back
Sangali Flood relief
COVID Support at Yewat to migrant labours
COVID Support at Bhandgaon to migrant labours
COVID Support to migrant labours
Dry ration to Covid affected people
Dry ration trhough OXFAM
Snacks to Pandharpur warkari
Kerala Relief
Kerala Relief
Sangali Flood relief
Sangali Flood relief
OXAM Trailwalk for support of Women empowerment
OXAM Trailwalk for support of Women empowerment
Widening and Deepening with intermittent mud partition at Nanamala Padvi
Water stored at Nanamala Padvi
Widening and Deepening At Manewasti Dulgaon
Widening and Deepening at kalubaimandir Deulgaon
Widening and Deepening at Jachakwasti Dulgaon
Widening and Deepening with intermittent mud partition at Mankar and Jamkar vasti Dulgaon
Widening and Deepening at Raskar mala Dulgaon
Widening and Deepening at Jagtapwasti Deulgaon
Widening and Deepening with intermittent mud partition at Mankar and Jamkar vasti Dulgaon
Deep ploughing in field at Dulgaon
Water level incraese at More Vasti Dulgaon
Water tank at More Vasti Dulgaon
Widening and Deepening with intermittent mud partition at Narayanpet area Dulgaon
Captive Water Storage Dam at Khor
Cement Dam in Khor
Matti dam to store water at khor
Puja for Matti dam at Bichkula Vasti Khor
Mati dam in Bichkulwasti Khor
Rain Water Dam at Mukadamwadi Khor
Rainwater Harvesting Dam at Mukadamwadi Khor
Water Flow in Cement Dam in Khor
Water in Matti Dam at lawandewasti Khor
Inauguration photo
Computer Centre Inauguration at Deulgaon
Computer traing centre at Padvi
Computer Training Centre at Padvi
Dress Stich by Pushpa Lavhe
Dress Stich by Sonali Lavhe
External Faculty Training of Finance
Feedback Jyoti
Feedback Sarika
Feedback Swati
Guests at Padvi Koushalya Vikas Centre in Padvi
Inauguration of Skill Development Centre in Padvi
Inauguration of Tailoring Center in Padvi
Inside the Tailoring Centre Padvi
Ms Anila Speech at Padvi Inauguration
Stich by Jyoti Baravkar
Students at Padvi Centre
Koushaly Vikas Kendra at Deulgaon
Mr Raj Addressing the Students and Guests at Deulgaon
Mr Gaurav Addressing the Guests
Mr Gaurav Gupta Addessing at Deulgaon
Tailoring Centre Inauguration at Deulgaon
Tailoring Centre in Deulgaon
With Students and Guests at Deulgaon
Computer class in padvi
Computer class in padvi
Exposure to Job Fair on Google
Monthly Test Exam Computer Padvi
Computer Centre at Deulgaon
Brinjal Crop
Farmers Meeting for Rabi Jowar in Deulgaon
Farmers Meeting in Khor on Onion Seed Production
Farmers Meeting in Padvi
Fig Farmers Training Program
Fodder Bajra
Fodder Maize Crop for Silage
Fodder Multicut Fodder Bajara Deulgaon
Framers Meeting in Khor
Framers Meeting in KVK Baramati
Hybrid Bajra Fodder Crop
In Situ Water Conservation for Rabi Crop Farmers Meeting in Choudriwasti
Integrated Farming System Women Farmers at Deulgaon
Inter Cropping of Bengal Gram
New Technology Brinjal Crop in Khor
New Technology Chilli Crop in Khor
Onion Seed Production Deulgaon
Rabi Jowar Insitu Water Conservation Khor
Redgram and Soya Bean Crop Meeting in Khor
Soil Sample Campaign at Deulgaon
Soyabean Crop
Soya Bean Crop in Khor
Back Yard poultry
Poultry Farm In Deulgaon
Poultry farm in deulgaon
Poultry Farm in Deulgaon
Back yard women farmers at Deulgaon
Back yard women farmers at Khor
Back Yard Poultry Women Farmers at Khor
Goat farming
Dry Ration Kit Distribution at Deulgoan
Dry Ration Bhandgoan During Covid Endamic
Dry Ration Distribution During Covid Endamic in Khor
Dry Ration to Unemployed in Padvi
COVID Support 2021
COVID Support 2021
COVID Support 2021
COVID Support 2021
COVID Support 2021
COVID Support 2021
COVID Support 2021
COVID Support 2021
COVID Support 2021
Computer Centre at Galandwadi Middle School
Computer Centre at Galandwadi Middle School
Computer Centre at Galandwadi Middle School
Chairman being honoured by Dr Ratan Jadhav Head KVK Baramati and Farmers of Deulgaon
Chairman Mr. Ashok Vasudevan Interaction with farmers mainly women farmers in Padvi
Chairman Mr.Ashok Vasudevan Interaction with farmers mainly women farmers in Deulgaon
Chairman With the members of Tasty Bite, KVK AIF
Chairman With the members of Tasty Bite, KVK AIF
Chairman being honoured by The Village Panchayat member Mr. Anil Shitole
Chairman Mr. Ashok Vasudevan Certificate Distribution To computer students
Chairman Mr. Ashok Vasudevan Interaction with Computer students
Chairman Mr. Ashok Vasudevan Group Photo with students and Teacher
Chairman Mr. Ashok Vasudevan Interaction with Tailoring students
Chairman Mr. Ashok Vasudevan Interaction with Tailoring students
Visit to NRM projects by Dr. Chengappa Chairman Tasty Bite Foundation
Visit to NRM projects by Dr. Chengappa Chairman Tasty Bite Foundation
Widening and deepening of Water stream at Khor
Water stored at Khor
Water stored at Khor
Water stored at Khor
Water stored at Khor
Visit to NRM projects by Dr. Chengappa Chairman Tasty Bite Foundation
Soya bean crop in Khor and Deulgaon
Mango planatation in Deulgaon
Planting of Fruit crops on the Bund at Deulgaon
Inauguration of BPO in Padvi by Chairman Dr. PG Chengappa
Inauguration of BPO in Padvi by Chairman Dr. PG Chengappa
Inauguration of BPO in Padvi by Chairman Dr. PG Chengappa
Inauguration in Khor is Meeting students in Khusegoan
Chairman Dr. PG Chengappa With Students at Khor
Certificate Distribution
Certifiicate distribution
Distribution of Tailoring Handbook
Gaurav addressing the participants
Students Training on computer
Inauguration By Raj and Anila
Participants at Certificate distribution
Raj addressing the participants
Gaurav & Raj with students
Anila with certificate and job offer students
Gaurav addressing the participants
Anila distribute certificate to student
Anila with students
Convocation Ceremony at Padvi
Convocation Ceremony at Padvi
Convocation Ceremony at Padvi
Convocation Ceremony at Padvi
Convocation Ceremony at Padvi
Convocation Ceremony at Padvi
Inauguration Of Kausalya Vikas Kendra In Khor
Inauguration Of Kausalya Vikas Kendra In Khor
Inauguration Of Kausalya Vikas Kendra In Khor
Inauguration Of Kausalya Vikas Kendra In Khor
Inauguration of Kausalya Vikas Kendra at Bhandgaon
Inauguration of Kausalya Vikas Kendra at Bhandgaon
Inauguration of Kausalya Vikas Kendra at Bhandgaon
Inauguration of Kausalya Vikas Kendra at Bhandgaon
Inauguration of Kausalya Vikas Kendra at Bhandgaon
Inauguration of Kausalya Vikas Kendra at Bhandgaon
Inauguration of Kausalya Vikas Kendra at Bhandgaon
Soya bean and Sunflower crop in Khor and Deulgaon
Bhumi pooja at deulgaon for cement dam
Bhumi pooja at deulgaon for cement dam
Bhumi pooja at deulgaon for cement dam
Bhumi pooja at deulgaon for cement dam
Bhumi pooja at deulgaon for cement dam
Bhumi pooja at deulgaon for cement dam
Before Intervention at Budkicha odha, Bhandgaon Tal-Daund
Bhumi Pujan
After Intervention
Before Intervention at Takalwasti check dam , Bhondavewadi Village
After Intervention at Budkicha odha, Bhondavewadi
After Intervention at Budkicha odha, Bhondavewadi
Bhumi Pujan at Takalwasti check dam , Bhondavewadi Village.
After Intervention
After Intervention at Takalwasti check dam, Bhondavewadi Village. Tal. Baramati. This will help to harvest rain water.
Pre-Kharif Crop Management & Supply of Soybean-Pigeon Pea Seed & Fertilizers to 21 selected farmers at Bhondavewadi village.
Demonstration on Inter Cropping System (Soybean + Pigeon Pea)
Guidance for Disease & Pest Control Management & Supply of Fertilizers.
Training Programme on Back Yard Poultry Management at Bhondawewadi
Supply of Thirty Families -50 Poultry Birds and other materials (Feed) to selected Poor women for Back Yard Poultry Farming at. Takalwasti, Bhondawewadi.
Supply of Forty Families- 25 Poultry Birds and other materials (Feed) to selected Poor women for Back Yard Poultry Farming at. Dhorewasti & Bhondavemala, Bhondavewadi.
Supply of Forty Families- 25 Poultry Birds and other materials (Feed) to selected Poor women for Back Yard Poultry Farming at. Gavthan, Bhondavewadi.
Selected of 50 Dairy farmer Supply of Mineral Mixture - Use of area Specific Mineral Mixture in CBHF Cows
Selected of 25 Dairy farmer Supply of Rumi yeast & Fiberzyme -Use of Rumi yeast & Fiberzyme to Improve Digestion in CBHF Cows
Selected of 10 Dairy farmer Supply of Neem oil & Karanj oil – Management of Ticks by using Neem oil & Karanj oil in cross bread cows.
Training Programme on Extension on Wheel of KVK, Baramati At. Bhondawewadi
Training Programme on Back Yard Poultry Farming at.Bhondavewadi.
Training Pr ogramme on Dairy Farm Management at. Bhondavewadi.
Training Programme on Food Processing (Millet) at. Bhondawewadi
Establishment of Training cum Production Centre
Establishment of Training cum Production Centre
Candidate Outreach, Sensitization and Enrollment
Skilling and Upskilling in Market aligned domains
Industry Exposure visit and engagement
Industry Exposure visit and engagement
Industry Exposure visit and engagement
Industry Exposure visit and engagement
Employment Drive
Employment Drive
Employment Drive
Bhagyashri Sawant Cohort: Tailoring Self Employed
Monika Borkar Cohort: Basic IT and Employability
Graduation Ceremony
Graduation Ceremony
Graduation Ceremony
Graduation Ceremony
Graduation Ceremony
Graduation Ceremony
After Intervention at Deulgaon
Animal Health Camp Infertility and Vaccination at malegoan Baramati
Animal Health Camp Infertility and Vaccination at malegoan Baramati
Animal Health Camp Infertility and Vaccination at malegoan Baramati
Selected of 50 Dairy farmer Supply of Mineral Mixture - Use of area Specific Mineral Mixture in CBHF Cows
Selected of 50 Dairy farmer Supply of Mineral Mixture - Use of area Specific Mineral Mixture in CBHF Cows
Supply of Forty Families- 25 Poultry Birds and other materials (Feed) to selected Poor women for Back Yard Poultry Farming
Supply of Forty Families- 25 Poultry Birds and other materials (Feed) to selected Poor women for Back Yard Poultry Farming
Training Programme on Back Yard Poultry Management at Bhondawewadi
Selected of 50 Dairy farmer Supply of Mineral Mixture - Use of area Specific Mineral Mixture in CBHF Cows
Animal Health Camp Infertility and Vaccination at malegoan Baramati
Crop Cutting
Crop Management & Supply of Seed & Fertilizers to 21 selected farmers at Bhondavewadi village.
Animal Health Camp Infertility and Vaccination at malegoan Baramati
Animal Health Camp Infertility and Vaccination at malegoan Baramati
Poultry Farm visit at malegoan Baramati
Poultry Farm visit at malegoan Baramati
Poultry Farm visit at malegoan Baramati
Poultry Farm visit at malegoan Baramati
After Intervention at Takalvasti odha, Bhondavewad, Baramati.
Training Programme on Back Yard Poultry Farming & Dairy Farming At. Pansarewadi guidance by Dr. Dhiraj Shinde, Head & Senior Scientist KVK, Baramati.
Industrial Sewing Machine Training at Baramati Textile Park and Cotton King Retail Outlet
Comprehensive Training Programme on Dairy Farm Management at Bhondavewadi
Training Program on Millet-Based Food Processing at Bhondavewadi
Training Programme on Back Yard Poultry Farming & Dairy Farming At. Pansarewadi guidance by Dr. Ratan Jadhav
Supply of Fruit Crop Plants & bio fertilizer at Deulgaon Gada
Dairy farmer suppy of MIneral mixture -Use of Area specific mineral mixture in CBHF cows at Pansarewadi
Poultry visit at Deulgaon Gada
Backyard poultry farm visit at Pansarewadi
Training program on Backyard poultry management at Deulgaon gada
Visit to Demonstration on Back Yard Poultry Farming unit of Mrs. Sadana Dhaigude At. Pansarewadi
Use of Area Specific Mineral Mixture in CBHF Cows Dairy Farming Unit at Pansarewadi At-Pansarewadi
Field Visit to Demonstration on Intercropping System Groundnut (Western -44) + Sunflower (Ganga Kaveri) At Pansarewadi & Dated – 02/09/2024
Field Visit of Demonstration on Intercropping System Groundnut (Western -44) + Pigeon Pea (Godavari) At Pansarewadi & Dated – 02/09/2024 Mr. Ravi Mohan & Mr.Vaibhav Ghadage
Field Visit to Introduction of Millet crop Demo Plot (Barn Yard Millet) At Pansarewadi & Dated – 02/09/2024 Visited by Mr. Ravi Mohan, Mr.Vaibhav Ghadage & Mr. Nanekar Gajanan
Field Visit of Demonstration on Sunflower (Ganga Kavari) Plot At. Pansarewadi. Mr.Ravi mohan, Mr.Vaibhav Ghadage & Mr. Nanekar Gajanan
Tailoring and Computer center inauguration
Tailoring and Computer center inauguration AIFT Rangoli
Tailoring and Computer center inauguration lighting of diyas
Tailoring and Computer center inauguration lighting of diyas
Tailoring and Computer center inauguration lighting of diyas
Ribbon Cutting
Guests welcome
Welcome with shawl
Guest Speech
Guest Speech
Guest Speech
Guest welcome
Welcome with diya
Guest welcome
Guest welcome
Guest welcome
Guest Women's welcome
Guest Women's welcome
Guest welcome
Guest welcome
Guest Women's welcome
Women guests
Supply of Seeds & bio fertilizer at Pansarewadi
Field Visit Pigeon Pea (Godavari) At. Pansarewadi Maharashtra & Dated – 17/12/2024
Field visit at pansarewadi maharashtra Dated – 17/12/2024
Field Visit Pigeon Pea (Godavari) At. Pansarewadi Maharashtra & Dated – 17/12/2024
Field visit at pansarewadi maharashtra Dated – 28/12/2024
Field visit at pansarewadi maharashtra Dated – 28/12/2024
Supply of One Month Kaveri Birds, at pansarewadi maharashtra Dated –09/01/2025
Field visit of Pegeon pea (Godavari) at Pansarewadi, Maharashtra Dated – 28/12/2024
Field visit Pansarewadi, Maharashtra Dated – 28/12/2024
Field visit to Crop Production Demonstrartion of Red gram (Godavari) at Pansarewadi Maharashtra Dated – 28/12/2024
Inspecting the Red gram crop by Mr. Ravi Mohan Dated – 17/12/2024